PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1 – (Free Course)


What you’ll learn

This course includes:

  • 6 practice tests
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile


PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1

Are you ready to take the PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1 exam? Test yourself by answering 300 questions! This course is in the form of practice tests and consists of 300 questions that may appear during the PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1 exam. Some questions are self-explanatory. Where necessary, explanations are added to the questions. This course allows you to confirm your proficiency and give you the confidence you need to earn the PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1 certification.



PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1 certification is a professional credential that measures the candidate’s ability to accomplish coding tasks related to advanced programming in the Python language and related technologies, advanced notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming, the use of selected Python Standard Library modules and packages, designing, building and improving programs and applications utilizing the concepts of GUI and network programming, as well as adopting the coding conventions and best practices for code writing.

The PCPP1™ certification shows that the individual is familiar with the following concepts: advanced use of classes and modelling real-life problems in the OOP categories (classes, instances, attributes, methods; class and instance data; shallow and deep operations; inheritance and polymorphism; extended function argument syntax and decorators; static and class methods; attribute encapsulation; composition and inheritance; advanced exceptions; copying object data; serialization; metaclasses), best practices and standardization (PEP8, PEP 257, code layout, comments and docstrings, naming conventions, string quotes and whitespaces, programming recommendations), GUI programming (events, widgets, geometry, tools and toolkits, conventions), the elements of network programming (network sockets, client-server communication, JSON and XML files in network communication, HTTP methods, CRUD, building a simple REST client), and file processing and communicating with a program’s environment (processing files: sqlite3, xml, csv, logging, and configparser; communication: os, datetime, io, and time).

PCPP1™ – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1 certification gives its holders confidence in their programming skills, helps them stand out in the job market.

This certification will be particularly valuable for:

  • learners looking to boost their skills and knowledge for a junior-level and middle-level role as a software developernetwork programmerdata analyst, or tester;
  • industry professionals wishing to explore technologies that are connected with Python, or that utilize it as a foundation;
  • team leadersproduct managers, and project managers who want gain an in-depth understanding of the terminology and processes in the software development cycle to more effectively manage and communicate with production, QA, and development teams.

Exam details:

  • validity: lifetime
  • duration: 65 minutes, NDA/Tutorial: 10 minutes
  • passing score: 70%
  • number of questions: 45
  • format: single and multiple choice questions
  • languages: English
  • price: about $ 195

Which version of Python is used in the course?

Python 3.x.

Can I take the practice test more than once?

You can take each practical test multiple times. After completing the practice test, your final result will be published. Each time you take the test, the order of questions and answers is randomized.

Do I have a time limit for practice tests?

Each test has a time limit and it is set as in the exam, 90 seconds per question. This gives a total of over 6 hours for questions in this course.

What result is required?

The required grade for each practice test is 70% correct answers.

Are the questions multiple choice?

In order to reflect the form of the interview as much as possible and to raise the level of difficulty, the questions are single and multiple choice.

Can I see my answers?

You can review all submitted responses and see which were correct and which were not.

Are the questions updated on a regular basis?


Notes! I strongly encourage you to repeat these exams until you consistently achieve a score of 90% or higher on each exam. Do not hesitate and take the challenge today. Good luck!

How to Get this course FREE?

Note: The udemy Courses Will be free for a Maximum of 1000 Learners can use the promo code AND Get this course 100% Free. After that, you will get this course at a discounted price. (Still, It’s a good deal for you to get this course at a discounted price).

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