Criminology and Criminal Psychology | Certified CSI+ Course- (Free Course)


What you’ll learn

  1. Criminological approach to manuscripts
  2. The psychology behind crime
  3. what makes you a criminal
  4. The psychological positivism behind crime
  5. How to define a criminal
  6. criminal psychology
  7. History of criminology and criminal psychology
  8. Explore developments in criminology and criminal psychology throughout history
  9. Discover the critical role of crime scene investigators and the CSI process in criminal investigations
  10. Learn about the different types of crime scenes and effective evidence-gathering methods
  11. Master the art of conducting a thorough crime scene investigation
  12. Unravel the ins and outs of the psychology behind criminal behavior
  13. Learn about the causes of criminal activity and how to prevent it
  14. Analysis of the different characteristics and traits of different types of actors
  15. Gain insight into how the criminal justice system works and the important role of law enforcement
  16. Discover the most popular theories about crime and deviance
  17. Investigate various types of crime, including violence, property, and white-collar crime
  18. Classify and identify serial killers based on their behavior and specific characteristics
  19. Gain an in-depth understanding of the psychology behind mass murderers and killers
  20. Discover the important role of forensic psychology in criminal investigations
  21. Learn how to use criminal profiling effectively to solve complex criminal cases
  22. Gain a comprehensive understanding of victimology and its role in criminal investigations

This course includes:

  • 4 hours of on-demand video
  • 1 article
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion


When we introduce students to forensic science by focusing on how fundamentally different hypothetical repair ideas and standards are woven into our interpretations. This section begins with a brief discussion of ideas such as delinquency, delinquency, degeneration, criminology, law enforcement, and criminological perspectives on consent and struggle. The companion segment provides a thorough overview of the unique phases of the adult law enforcement system as well as the juvenile justice system. The first part of our criminology and criminal psychology training provides an overview of the different levels of the criminal justice system as well as justice system. This section then illustrates how criminology informs policies and programs. Unfortunately, there are times when those guidelines don’t make sense
in criminology theory and rigorous research, but are more of an interesting response to a perceived problem. The second part provides an overview of victimology and various issues related to victims of crime.

Evil, like many things in our social world, has a certain implicit or common sense. When we use the term, we assume that the category means something; That means we assume the person we are talking to understands who we are


we’re talking about and would tend to use the term in the same way we do. This, of course, is the basis on which the social world operates based on assumptions about the meaning of the self-evident vocabulary we use and the behavior we engage in. The word crime is often used in everyday conversation. It is used in this way to imply that there is a general level of understanding sufficient for it to make sense. On one level, there is no doubt about this.

However, it hides a number of complexities. As we will see, it is often not easy to draw the line between criminal and non-criminal activity.

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