Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate – Exams – (Free Course)


What you’ll learn

  • Exam #160 questions
  • Exam #260 questions
  • Exam #360 questions
  • Exam #460 questions
  • Exam #560 questions
  • Exam #660 questions


This course is designed to thoroughly prepare IT professionals for the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate exam. This course is tailored for those aspiring to master the intricacies of Azure administration, encompassing a range of cloud services including storage, networking, security, and compute capabilities.

Structured to mimic the actual exam environment, the course offers an extensive set of practice exams, each brimming with realistic, scenario-based questions that cover all core areas of the AZ-104 exam. These practice tests are crafted to not only test knowledge but also to improve understanding of Azure’s diverse functionalities and best practices.


Learners will benefit from detailed explanations accompanying each question, offering insights into both correct and incorrect answer choices. This approach ensures a deeper grasp of Azure’s principles and applications, enhancing problem-solving skills critical for the real-world challenges of Azure administration.

The course content is regularly updated to reflect the latest Azure features and exam changes, ensuring learners receive the most current and relevant information.

Ideal for IT professionals, system administrators, and anyone seeking to validate their Azure administration skills, this course is a stepping stone towards achieving Azure Administrator certification, marking a significant milestone in one’s cloud computing career.

Engineering the Future of Data: Where Analysis Meets Innovation!

A data engineer designs, builds, and maintains scalable data pipelines, ensuring efficient data flow from various sources to storage systems. They work closely with data scientists and analysts, optimizing data retrieval and overseeing data warehousing solutions. Their role is crucial in enabling data-driven decision-making in organizations.

Is it possible to take the practice test more than once?

Certainly, you are allowed to attempt each practice test multiple times. Upon completion of the practice test, your final outcome will be displayed. With every attempt, the sequence of questions and answers will be randomized.

Is there a time restriction for the practice tests?

Indeed, each test comes with a time constraint of 120 seconds for each question.

What score is required?

The target achievement threshold for each practice test is to achieve at least 70% correct answers.

Do the questions have explanations?

Yes, all questions have explanations for each answer.

Am I granted access to my responses?

Absolutely, you have the opportunity to review all the answers you submitted and ascertain which ones were correct and which ones were not.

Are the questions updated regularly?

Indeed, the questions are routinely updated to ensure the best learning experience.

Additional Note: It is strongly recommended that you take these exams multiple times until you consistently score 90% or higher on each test. Take the challenge without hesitation and start your journey today. Good luck!

Who this course is for:

  • Aspiring Azure Administrators: Individuals aiming to become Azure Administrators and manage cloud services that span storage, security, networking, and compute cloud capabilities.
  • IT Professionals: Those already working in IT who wish to expand or update their skills in cloud computing and Azure services.
  • System Administrators: System administrators seeking to transition to or include Azure cloud administration in their skill set.
  • Network Engineers/Administrators: Network professionals looking to understand how to implement and manage Azure networking solutions.
  • Security Professionals: IT security personnel who need to understand Azure security features and best practices for secure cloud administration.
  • DevOps Engineers: Professionals in DevOps roles who require an understanding of Azure services to improve the integration and delivery of their projects.

How to Get this course FREE?

Apply this Coupon: FREEDROP8 (For 100% Discount)

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Note: The udemy Courses Will be free for a Maximum of 1000 Learners can use the promo code AND Get this course 100% Free. After that, you will get this course at a discounted price. (Still, It’s a good deal for you to get this course at a discounted price).

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