What you’ll learn
- The purpose of ReactJS
- Building a Simple React Web Page
- The Tools Needed to work with React
- Introduction to Codepen
- Introduction to JSX, Functional Components, and React Props
- Foundations of Callbacks, and OnClick Events
- The React State Hook
- Building the Calculator
- Debugging in React
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- JavaScript Arithmetic Operators, Data Types, Arrays, Loops, Events
- JavaScript Variables, Operator Precedence, Objects, Functions
- JavaScript Foundations
This course includes:
- 3 hours on-demand video
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of completion
This course will guide you step by step through the process of building a fully functional calculator in React. React, also known as React JS, is a powerful JavaScript library that is used to create custom and interactive user interfaces with UI components. Some of the most well-known examples of organizations using React for their frontend are Netflix, Facebook, and Airbnb. Developed and maintained by Meta alongside a community of independent developers, React remains free and open source. React is a component-based library built entirely on top of JavaScript, making it ideal for designing complex user interfaces. With React, developers can create encapsulated components that effectively manage their own state and render custom UI updates when data changes. For example, consider the auto-update feature you see on your Twitter feed or Facebook like button. Here the UI component’s state changes on the page without requiring manual updating when the data is refreshed. This is just a small but powerful feature of React.
Through comprehensive hands-on projects, this course will teach you all the core React principles you need to know to become a proficient React developer. We’ll start with the basics, including the tools you’ll need to get started. From there we dive into JSX, functional components, props, callbacks, and various OnClick events. At this point, the calculator has a complete visual display combined with functional arithmetic operations. Students then proceed to pass parameters to callback functions using React State Hooks and debugging.
In addition to the handy React module, we also provide a comprehensive overview of JavaScript for those who need a refresher. Here we start with an introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM), which defines the logical structure of an HTML document. From there, we’ll dive into JavaScript to demonstrate the various methods that can be used to manipulate DOM elements to add interactivity to static components. We’ll start from the basics, covering JavaScript layout and data output. From there we move on to variable declarations, arithmetic operations, operator precedence, data types, and objects. Now that the basics are covered, let’s move on to more complex operations that use arrays, conditionals, JavaScript comparison operators, Booleans, and loops. Here, students will learn to unleash the true power of JavaScript to produce different results based on user interaction. We explored using functions to efficiently process repetitive tasks and JavaScript events to process output based on actions and events. The unit ends with a hands-on project in which students apply their knowledge to create web-based photo galleries and background color changers.
As you can see, this course covers a lot. Best of all is Tim McLachlan – a renowned senior full stack developer with over 20 years of commercial development experience. Versatile developer Team specializes in algorithms, analytics and mobile development. To date, he has written hundreds of resumes and worked in industries ranging from commercial aviation and the military to banking and finance. Tim has a real passion for teaching others how to be better programmers and looks forward to interacting with his students.
With that in mind, we hope you are as excited about this course as we are, if yes – click the sign up button and get started.
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