Java And C++ And PHP Crash Course For Beginners- (Free Course)


What you’ll learn

  1. You will learn about C++ concepts such as console output, C++ variables and data types, C++ statements, and more
  2. You will learn how to write a complete C++ program that takes user input, processes it, and prints the result
  3. You will learn about common programming constructs as implemented in C++.
  4. You will learn how to write a complete Java program that takes user input, processes it, and prints the result
  5. You will learn about Java concepts such as console output, Java variables and data types, Java operators, and more
  6. You will learn PHP concepts such as basic syntax, input and output techniques, and console IO
  7. You will learn PHP arithmetic, assignment, conditional operators, comparison operators
  8. You will learn about PHP loops and conditionals

This course includes:

  • 2.5 hours of video on demand
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access to cell phones and TV
  • Completion Certificate


Complete crash course in C++, Java and PHP 2022

Unit 1: Crash course in C++


This course will help you learn the basics of C++ and give you hands-on experience creating your own projects and working with computer memory. With its adaptability and fast rendering, you’ll find the C++ programming language used in everything from web browsers to game development and operating systems to scientific and machine learning tools.

This C++ programming course is designed to meet industry standards. This C++ programming course provides you with a solid understanding of object-oriented programming in C++, coding styles and design patterns, programming generics, and standard pattern libraries.

This course covers common programming constructs as implemented in C++, including C++11. Topics include using C++ for memory management, file input/output (I/O), pointers, references, exceptions, and object-oriented programming. Basic data structures such as linked lists, stacks, and queues are covered in terms of usage and implementation with C++.

In addition, this course is designed to help you learn all the basic concepts underlying C++ programming. In this way, you not only program in this language, but also understand the logic behind this programming language and you can create your own various applications in it. If you are new to programming, understanding programming logic is the hardest part, and this course covers all the topics to help you succeed in C++ programming.

The subjects/topics you will study during the course are

Overview of C++

functions and variables


operator load

Initialization and Mapping

memory management





Unit 2: Crash course in Java

Take Away Skills:

This course is a great introduction to basic programming concepts and the Java programming language. Finally, you will feel confident programming in Core Java.

This course is the first in a series of courses that make up the core Java specialization. The Core Java specialization, in turn, is part of a suite of programming specializations and is designed to provide the skills needed to work as an IT developer using Java in many enterprise environments. This course includes hands-on practice and gives you a solid understanding of the Javanese language. After completing this course, you will be able to see the benefits of Java, program in basic Java syntax using Java data types, and incorporate branching and looping. Audience of this course: – Anyone interested in learning Java – Programmers – Technical managers – Application developers

Topics covered:

Module-1: Java Basics

Basic Java programs

Compile and run Java programs

Understand console output

Java variables and data types

java operators

conditional statement


Cancel and continue


One-dimensional arrays

Two-dimensional arrays

Rope class

Strand Method

Unit 3: Crash course in PHP

In this course, you will study the basic structure of web applications and how web browsers interact with web servers. You will be introduced to request/response loops and gain an introductory understanding of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) as well as basic PHP syntax and data structures, variables, logic, iteration, arrays, error handling, and superglobal variables, among others. Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) lets you style the markup for web pages.

Basic syntax

in and out


Conditional operators

comparison operators

assignment operators


conditional statement

and much more

See you in class. Thank You

How to Get this course FREE?

Note: The udemy Courses Will be free for a Maximum of 1000 Learners can use the promo code AND Get this course 100% Free. After that, you will get this course at a discounted price. (Still, It’s a good deal for you to get this course at a discounted price).

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