What you’ll learn

  • An in-depth discussion about every topic of programming in Python
  • Be able to write your own Python programs efficiently
  • Program fluently in Python
  • Learn Proper Python Syntax


Python is a general-purpose coding language and one of the best programming languages for beginners. The syntax of python is easy to learn as compare to other programming languages (C, C++, Java, etc). Python is used in various fields such as Machine Learning, Automation, Web Development, Game Development, Graphical User Interface, etc

In this course, you will learn in-depth every topic of Python and its core concepts with examples. This course is for beginners who are new to a programming language or in python. I also design quizzes for each section of this course to enable you to assess your progress. I will ensure timely updates for this course and include additional topics and projects as well.

Here are the topics we cover in this course are:-

1. Python Print Statement

2. Python Comments

3. Python Variables

4. Python Type Conversion

5. Python Input Function

6. Python Operator

7. Python IF/ELSE

8. Python For Loop

9. Python While Loop

10. Python Break and Continue Statement

11. Python Numbers

12. Python List

13. Python Tuple

14. Python String

15. Python Set

16. Python Dictionary

17. Python Functions

18. Python Lambda Functions

19. Python Global and Local Variables

What you’ll learn in this course

1) An in-depth discussion about every topic of programming in Python

2) Be able to write your own Python programs efficiently

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner Python Developer

How to Get this course FREE?

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