Coursera Certified Guided Projects Based Courses| Top 12 Certified Guided Projects| Apply Now


Hello folks! If you want to do a project-based course then we have the opportunity for you as Coursera Certified Guided Projects Based Courses in which you know about the top 16 Certified Guided Projects so stay with us to know more about courses till the end of the post.

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About Coursera

Coursera Inc. is a massive open online course provider based in the United States that was founded in 2012 by Stanford University computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller. Coursera collaborates with universities and other organisations to provide online courses, certifications, and degrees in a wide range of subjects. Google, IBM, Meta, and other well-known companies have launched a variety of professional certificate courses, allowing students to enter the workforce in fields such as data analytics, IT support, digital marketing, UX design, project management, and data science. Their courses, according to Google, are equivalent to four-year degrees. They also offered a total of 10,000 scholarships. Google and its 20+ partners will recognise those certificates as equivalent to a four-year degree.

Coursera Certified Guided Projects Courses

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16 Certified Guided Projects

1. Create Your First Python Program From UST

Topic covered:-

  1. Introduction
  2. Terminal
  3. Python Interpreter
  4. Variables
  5. Text Editor
  6. Functions
  7. Lists and Tuples
  8. Conditional Statements
  9. The For Loop
  10. User Input and While Loop

2. Building a Business Presence With Facebook Marketing

Topic covered:-

  1. Set up a business page on Facebook to establish your company on Facebook
  2. Learn how to Navigate your Facebook account including setting up advertisements
  3. Learn how to post content to promote your page
  4. Learn how to boost a post to gain more attention
  5. Learn how to engage with Facebook users
  6. Grow your audience on Facebook

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3. Build a Full Website using WordPress

Topic covered:-

  1. Set up a New Site for Development in WordPress
  2. Update Homepage Settings and Edit Content
  3. Edit the Homepage
  4. Add and Link Secondary Webpages
  5. Edit and Publish Webpages and Blogposts
  6. Embed Links
  7. Add Social Media Buttons

4. Accomplishment STAR Techniques for Job Interviews

Topic covered:-

  1. By the end of this task, you will be able to create an Accomplishment STAR Technique for Job Interviews
  2. By the end of this task, you will be able to create an Accomplishment STAR Using a Job Description
  3. By the end of this task, you will be able to identify phrases and statements that make a poor Accomplishment STAR Statement
  4. By the end of this task, you will be able to write your own Accomplishment STAR Statement
  5. By the end of this task, you will be able to recite your Accomplishment STAR Technique in 60-90 Seconds

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5. Strategically Build and Engage Your Network on LinkedIn

Topic covered:-

  1. Ensure your LinkedIn page has the basics for intermediate involvement on LinkedIn and we expand your network strategically while establishing your brand.
  2. Assessment for Tasks 1 and 2
  3. Discuss using strategic ways to expand your network.
  4. Find people in your network using LinkedIn and develop a tracking sheet for your network connections as well as learn how to save content and find it later.
  5. Assessment for Tasks 3 and 4.
  6. Work on focusing on your engagement.
  7. Creating and posting content strategically.
  8. Assessment for Tasks 4 and 5.
  9. Complete the steps to publish an article.

6. Machine Learning Pipelines with Azure ML Studio

Topic covered:-

  1. Introduction and Project Overview
  2. Data Cleaning
  3. Accounting for Class Imbalance
  4. Training a Two-Class Boosted Decision Tree Model and Hyperparameter Tuning
  5. Scoring and Evaluating the Models
  6. Publishing the Trained Model as a Web Service for Inference

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7. Creating a Free Business Page with Blogger

Topic covered:-

  1. Create a business page blog
  2. Customize your new page
  3. Post content
  4. Interact with customers
  5. Use the Stats tool and Google Analytics

8. Create a Resume and Cover Letter with Google Docs

Topic covered:-

  1. Fine and Review Parts of a Resume Template.
  2. Fill in Contact Information and Summary.
  3. Fill in Work Experience.
  4. Fill in Education Information.
  5. Fill in Additional Information.
  6. Add References Information.
  7. Add page numbers.
  8. Apply Text Format Changes and Adjustments.
  9. Find a Cover Letter Template and Complete it.
  10. Print and Save Document to a File.

9. Getting Started in Google Analytics

Topic covered:-

  1. Create a Google Analytics account and connect your website.
  2. Add a View to eliminate internal traffic.
  3. Understand ‘The Funnel’ and how it is used in Google Analytics.
  4. Explore the various user-defined parameters in the Audience Overview report.
  5. Interpret the data from various Audience reports to make effective decisions.
  6. Interpret the data from Acquisition and Behavior reports making effective decisions.

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10. Introduction to Project Management with ClickUp

Topic covered:-

  1. Create a ClickUp Account
  2. Explore ClickUp Features
  3. Edit and Explore Lists and Tasks
  4. Create a New Space, Folder, and Task
  5. Create New Communication Items

11. Create a Business Marketing Brand Kit Using Canva

Topic covered:-

  1. Create and add a style guide.
  2. Complete the brand style guide with color, fonts, and a logo.
  3. Create a simple logo file.
  4. Create a style guide folder and branded templates.
  5. Create a branded letterhead and email template.
  6. Create a branded facebook header and finalize the brand kit.

12. Introduction to Basic Game Development using Scratch

Topic covered:-

  1. Create a free account and navigate Scratch.
  2. Navigate the code editor and begin game design.
  3. Begin to write the main algorithms for the game.
  4. Add additional conditional statements for character control.
  5. In this task, we will add additional code to set the next level.

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Benefits of Coursera Certified Guided Projects Courses

  • A great opportunity to learn from course designed by field experts
  • Candidates receive course completion certificate if they successfully completed courses

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