Python 3 Master Course for 2021


    Python 3 Master Course for 2021


    • Willingness to learn


    Do you want to Master Python?  Then this is the course for you where I will take you from complete beginner to Advanced Python Programmer.  Let me walk you through a detailed step by step process that will help you accomplish your goals and have fun learning on the way we will cover the following in detail:

    1. Introduction
    2. Documentation
      1. What is Python
      2. Getting Started with Python Documentation
      3. Cover Summary of Python Beginner’s Documentation
      4. Cover a Summary of Python Moderate Guide
      5. Cover a Summary of Python Advanced Guide
      6. Cover a Summary of General Python Documentation
      7. Talk in Depth about Python 3.x Resources
      8. Talk about what is and How to Port from Python 2 to Python
    3. Setup
      1. Overview
      2. What is IDE
      3. IDEs for Python
      4. What is a Text Editor
      5. Text Editors for Python
      6. Download and Install Python 3 with IDLE Included
      7. Basic Commands with Terminal
      8. Write and Run your First Python Script with Terminal and IDLE
      9. Download & Install Visual Studio Code
      10. Download & Install Python Extension in Visual Studio Code
      11. Write & Run Python Script with Visual Studio Code and Terminal
      12. Download & Install Anaconda
      13. Write & Run Python Script with Anaconda
    4. Python Basics
      1. Syntax
      3. Data Types
      4. Numbers
      5. Casting
      6. Booleans
      7. Operators
      8. If Else Statements
      9. While Loops
      10. For Loops
      11. Functions
      12. Lambda
      13. Arrays
      14. Classes and Objects
      15. Inheritance
      16. Iterators
      17. Scope
      18. Modules
      19. Dates
      20. Math
      21. JSON
      22. RegEx
      23. PIP
      24. Try Except
      25. User Input
      26. String Formatting
    5. Variables
      1. Overview
      2. Variables
      3. Variable Names
      4. Assign Multiple Values
      5. Output Variables
      6. Global Variables
    6. Strings
      1. Overview
      2. Strings
      3. Slicing Strings
      4. Modify Strings
      5. Concatenate Strings
      6. Format Strings
      7. Escape Characters
      8. String Methods
    7. Lists
      1. Overview
      2. Lists
      3. Access List Items
      4. Change List Items
      5. Add List Items
      6. Remove List Items
      7. Loop Lists
      8. List Comprehension
      9. Sort Lists
      10. Copy Lists
      11. Join Lists
      12. List Methods
    8. Tuples
      1. Overview
      2. Tuples
      3. Access Tuples
      4. Update Tuples
      5. Unpack Tuples
      6. Loop Tuples
      7. Join Tuples
      8. Tuple Methods
    9. Sets
      1. Overview
      2. Sets
      3. Access Set Items
      4. Add Set Items
      5. Remove Set Items
      6. Loop Sets
      7. Join Sets
      8. Set Methods
    10. Dictionaries
      1. Overview
      2. Access Items
      3. Change Items
      4. Add Items
      5. Remove Items
      6. Loop Dictionaries
      7. Copy Dictionaries
      8. Nested Dictionaries
      9. Dictionary Methods

    Thanks for checking out the course!

    Best Regards,

    Josh Werner

    Learn Tech Plus

    Who this course is for:

    • Beginner to Advanced Students wanting to Learn Python 

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