Citrix 1Y0-A16 Architecting Virtualization Solution Exam


    Citrix 1Y0-A16 Architecting Virtualization Solution Exam


    Sample Questions


    Q) What are the three sections must include an architect in the project document Initiation (PID), to ensure that the project meets the requirements of business and technical hands healthy?

    a) Risk Log

    b) stage plan

    c) The project scope

    d) Detailed design

    e) Resource Requirements

    Q) Given the three types of users in a healthy environment surrounding aid manual environment, work tasks, mobile workers and knowledge workers that two groups of users will be classified as knowledge workers?

    a) sale

    b) marketing

    c) engineers

    d) production

    e) Customer service

    Q) Based on the evaluation of the document for which the user group administrator may need to use the potential bandwidth control ICA session policy session?

    a) Finance

    b) marketing

    c) Customer service

    d) Human Resources

    e) Department

    Q) Taking into account the three types of people a helping hand in the normal work tasks, mobile workers and knowledge workers that two groups of users will be classified as mobile workers?

    a) IT staff

    b) Sales Managers

    c) HR employees

    d) marketing

    e) staff

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