Tata Launched Free Cybersecurity Course for Engineering Graduate | Starting Soon


Tata Strive, a skill development initiative of Tata Stive Launched a Free Cybersecurity Course for Engineering graduates. The course aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue a career in cybersecurity.

The demand for cybersecurity professionals is growing rapidly. According to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures, the global cybersecurity workforce will need to grow by 3.5 million by 2021. This is a great opportunity for engineering graduates who want to pursue a career in cybersecurity.


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What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the protection of computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It is also known as information technology security or electronic information security. The term is used in a variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be broken down into several general categories.

· Network security is the practice of protecting a computer network from intruders, whether targeted attackers or opportunistic malware.

· Application security is about protecting software and devices from threats. Compromised applications can gain access to the data they are designed to protect. Successful security starts at the design stage, long before a program or device is implemented.

· Information security protects the integrity and confidentiality of data both at rest and in transit.

· Operational security includes processes and solutions to handle and protect data stocks. This term includes the privileges that users have when accessing the network and the procedures that determine how and where data can be stored or shared.

· Disaster recovery and business continuity define how an organization responds to cybersecurity incidents or other events that result in loss of operations or data. Disaster recovery policies define how an organization restores its operations and information to the same operational capacity as before the incident. Business continuity is a plan that organizations use when trying to survive without dedicated resources.

· End-user training targets the most unpredictable factor of cybersecurity: people. Anyone can accidentally introduce a virus into a secure system by not following good security practices. Educating users on how to remove suspicious email attachments, disallowing plugging in unknown USB devices, and various other important lessons is critical to any business’s security.

What does Cybersecurity do?

Cyber ​​security is important because it helps protect our critical infrastructure, personal information, and financial assets.

There are a number of things people can do to protect themselves from cybersecurity threats. They include:

Use a secure password and change it regularly
Be careful what information they share online
Keep your software up to date
Use of firewall and antivirus software
Be aware of phishing scams and other social engineering attacks
Organizations can also take steps to protect themselves from cybersecurity threats. They include:

  • Implementation of security policies and procedures
  • Train employees on cybersecurity best practices
  • Invest in security solutions
  • Carry out regular safety assessments

Eligibility Criteria

Degree in engineering (with knowledge of basic programming languages ​​and computer networks)


15 Weeks

Cybersecurity Course Description

Learn the skills to stay ahead of the market in this ever-evolving world of technology business. And learn how cybersecurity can influence this and steer it in a better direction. How to keep your data, assets, and resources secure and protect yourself and others in the digital age. Tata Strive Launched a Free Cybersecurity Course for Engineering Graduates. This course is in collaboration with the Data Security Council of India & Tata Communications.


System Basics
Cybersecurity needs
Introduction to Cyber ​​Security
Network security threats and countermeasures
Web server and application security
security audits
Introduction to Cyber ​​Forensics

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How To Apply?

Interested Candidate can apply for this Program

Official Website Click Here


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