Database Management System Excellence: Module 5- (Free Course)


What you’ll learn

  • What are the current trends and future directions in Database Management System?
  • What are the various differences between SQL and NoSQL databases?
  • Why some Companies use a combination of both SQL and NoSQL databases to store and retrieve data?
  • How is data integrity maintained in the relational model?
  • What are various data models to store data?


1. What are the current trends and areas of interest in DBMS?

2. What is meant by Open source DBMS?


3. What is the meaning of Cloud-based DBMS? What are the various benefits of cloud-based DBMS?

4. Why is the data security a top most priority for DBMS?

5. What is meant by multi-cloud DBMS?

6. What are the various benefits of Automated DBMS?

7. What are the some trends that are shaping the future of DBMS?

8. Why the organizations are shifting towards Cloud-based DBMS?

9. What is meant by Blockchain technology?

10. What are various differences between SQL and NoSQL databases?

11. Which Query language is used by NoSQL databases?

12. What is the meaning of vertical scaling?

13. What is meant by Horizontal scalability?

14. Whether NoSQL databases follow ACID properties strictly?

15. How does the relational model handle data integrity and enforce constraints?

16. How does relational model ensure entity integrity?

17. How does relational model ensure referential integrity?

18. What are some commonly used constraints used by the relational model to enforce data integrity rules?

19. What does a Not-null constraint ensure?

20. What is the function of Default constraint?

21. What is the full form of “ACID” properties in DBMS?

22. What are the broad categories of data models?

23. What are the main types of NoSQL data models?

Who this course is for:

  • Students, businessmen and general public

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