Free Government Internship 2024 ➤ SECI Internships for Undergraduate Engineering/CA/ MBA students


Are you an undergraduate student in Engineering, Chartered Accountancy, or pursuing an MBA? Are you passionate about contributing to the nation’s development and keen to gain practical experience in your field? Look no further than SECI Internships!

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Free Government Internship 2024 ➤ SECI Internships for Undergraduate Engineering/CA/ MBA students

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About the SECI Internships

SECI Internship Policy seeks to impart comprehensive practical expereince to students pursuing Engineering Degree/ Research Scholars/ M-Tech in Renewable Energy Sector / CA/CS /AICWA/ CMA/MBA enrolled in recognized University/Institution within India or abroad. The students shall be given exposure to various Verticals/Divisions/Units within SECI and would be expected to supplement the process of analysis within SECI through pragmatic collection and collation of in house and other information.

Eligibility Criteria

The Internship will be available to students engaged in research / students persuing Engineering Graduate & Post Gradutae Degree / Ph. D in Renewable Energy Sector / CA/CS AICWA/ CMA/MBA in HR/ Finance/ IT/ CC from recognized University/Institution within India or abroad.


The ‘Interns’ shall have an opportunity to know about the implementation of Government of India schemes in Renewable Energy and Solar-Wind Hybrids, Floating Solar, Solar Manufacturing and Battery Energy Storage Systems, Solar park development, Solar Rooftop projects and Off-grid solar applications and contribute to the renewable sector by generating inputs & analysis of data along with the practical exposure towrads the other professional fields.

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The internship will be on paid basis for a minimum period of 03 months & maximum period 06 months for Engineering/M-Tech students (during internship/course) & for CA/CS /AICWA/ CMA 06 months to 03 years, for MBA students minimum 07 weeks to 06 months. Those who have completed course or left in between will not be eligible. A list of domains/areas for which Internship is invited is enclosed as Annexure ‘A’.

Terms & Conditions

A student would be eligible for an internship based on the following criteria:

The internship program does not include compensation of any kind, boarding, lodging, transportation etc. The stipend of Rs. 5000 /- per month will be paid to the ‘Interns’. No fee would be charged from the interns. Intern will maintain a regular internship schedule determined by the intern and his/her Project Head.Or Intern will demonstrate honesty, punctuality and willingness to learn during internship program.

Interns will be required to have their own laptops. SECI shall provide them working space, internet facility and other necessities as deemed fit by the concerned Heads. However, CA/CS/ICWA/CMA/MBA interns may be provided the desktop as per the requirement.

The intern will not disclose to any person, directly or indirectly, the contents of any file or papers which constitute work product, or any documents therein which are privileged and/or confidential. The Interns shall be required to excute a non-disclosure Bond to ensure the security of the data accessed by them during the tenure of intership.

The intern will be under the administrative control and discipline of the Project Head/ Mentor assigned.

Company may at any time in its sole discretion, terminate the internship without notice or cause. Aslo an intern can leave the program by giving prior notice of seven working days to the Project Head/ Mentor under intimation to HR. No certificate shall be awarded to such an intern.

The internship course shall not confer any claim or right for any employment in any office / establishment under the administrative control of the Company.


An amount of Rs 5000/- shall be paid as stipend to all Engineering Graduate & Post Gradutae Degree / Ph. D in Renewable Energy Sector / CA/CS /ICWA/ CMA/MBA in HR/ Finance/ IT/ CC.


Managing Director will have power to amend, modify and alter provisions of this policy in accordance with the business needs of the Corporation.

SECI reserves the right to review the scheme at any time. The Scheme so reviewed will be placed on the website of SECI.


On receiving the intimation from the Project Guide/ Mentor reagrding the submission of Project Report, HR department shall issue a certificate of completeion to the intern. After ensurring the the attendance record and the details of work supervision assigned by the Heads of the Departments. HR Department shall maintain complete record/ MIS of all the interns who have undergone Internship in the Corporation.

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How To Apply?

If you are an Interested Candidate You can apply For the SECI Internships Click Here

For More Details of SECI Internships Click Here

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